H.E.R Made an #ENDSARS Statement During her Saturday Night Live Performance

If you need more convincing as to how far-reaching the #ENDSARS movement was, this should give you some insight. Just when you would be tempted to assume the international support for the #ENDSARS movement fizzled out with early last week, here comes H.E.R.
The American music artist performed Saturday Night Live on Saturday where she made a major statement regarding the movement. For H.E.R’s new single, “Hold On” members of her band wore dark shirts with the trending hashtag written across the front.
This statement not only shows how relatable the topic of police brutality and abuse of power is, but it also lends its voice to how connected and empathetic the world has become. Thank you to H.E.R and other asrtists who used their platforms for thus cause.
Watch the performance below;
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