This Adekunle Gold Fan Got Dragged For Attending His Concert And Leaving Her 7-Week Old Child At Home

Yesterday, micro-blogging site Twitter, experienced some turbulence when a user, Tomisin, tweeted that she left her 7-week baby at home to go see Adekunle Gold’s concert which held on Friday, December 15.
She immediately received backlash from male Twitter users, who called her irresponsible, and silly, for leaving a 7-week old child to go for a concert. Here are some of the tweets:
Fortunately, Adekunle Gold, and other Twitter users took to their handles to defend Tomi’s choice.
After observing this showdown, we at TW have two questions The first is, is it a crime for a woman with a young child to desire fun? Should a baby be put above all other needs or desires?
Second, seeing as most of the dissenters were male, can it be said that the outrage against Tomi was an act of double standards? a symptom of patriarchy? or a valid moral response to what might be neglect?
Leave your answers in the comment section.
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