PCOS Conquerors – A support community

PCOS Conquerors is a support community founded by Seyi Amao in order to advance the cause of women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) which she was officially diagnosed in 2017 but symptoms of the condition started as early as 2006.
Like most women with the condition, Seyi was misdiagnosed several times and suffered from Menorrhagia (heavy bleeding) without any definite solution to the problem. Although PCOS was diagnosed in 2017, the cause of the menorrhagia was not identified until August 2018. Since then she has had two procedures done (8months apart) to remove the growths (polyps) that were enabled by the PCOS condition. After years of struggling with the frustrating and embarrassing symptoms; Seyi decided to make big changes to her lifestyle in order to naturally heal her body and support other women along the way.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a largely misunderstood hormonal disorder that affects over 10,000,000 individuals of reproductive age i.e. 5 – 10{54d2fcdcd494adb6982253be6fe8d5492e5f586157f419110131714f9092ec60} of women worldwide, with less than 50{54d2fcdcd494adb6982253be6fe8d5492e5f586157f419110131714f9092ec60} diagnosed. The syndrome is present throughout a woman’s lifespan from puberty through post-menopause and affects women of all races and ethnic groups.
Women with PCOS wrestle with an array of possible symptoms, including excess weight or resistant weight loss, irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, depression, acne, and hair loss. Long term health risks include greater risks of Type 2 diabetes; endometrial and breast cancer and cardiovascular disease.
There is currently no known cure for the syndrome, but the symptoms can be managed and possibly reversed.
The PCOS Conquerors Community is thrilled to present to the public her first-ever PCOS Awareness Seminar on Saturday, September 21st, 2019, 11 am at the Rise Labs, No. 8 Adebayo Mokuolu Street Anthony Village, Lagos; Nigeria.
This seminar intends to raise awareness as PCOS is highly overlooked by the public and medical professionals. This platform creates an avenue for people to learn accurate information, get support and empower themselves as advocates for the cause. The seminar will bring together medical professionals, weight loss\lifestyle coaches, individuals with PCOS and their supporters to share insights, information, the latest updates about the condition and experiences.
It is free to attend but registration is required as spaces are limited.
To register, click on the tab below or email summeramao@gmail.com
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I will be attending for Seyi Amao. Thank you