Janet Jackson Reveals The Secret To Her Happiness In ESSENCE’s July/August Issue

Janet Jackson Reveals the height of her happiness is holding her son in her arms and hearing him coo.
Janet Jackson is covering the July/August edition dubbed “The Happiness issue” of ESSENCE, and she opened up about finding her joy through the years.
“When it comes to happiness, I’m no expert,” Jackson writes in the feature story. “I have only my life experience as a guide. I’ve known great happiness and great sadness. But I guess the key question is, What do I really know about happiness?”
“In my forties: Like millions of women in the world, I still heard voices inside my head berating me, voices questioning my value,” Jackson shares. “Happiness was elusive. A reunion with old friends might make me happy. A call from a colleague might make me happy. But because sometimes I saw my failed relationships as my fault, I easily fell into despair.”
“The height of happiness is holding my baby son in my arms and hearing him coo, or when I look into his smiling eyes and watch him respond to my tenderness,” Jackson shares. “When I kiss him. When I sing him softly to sleep. During those sacred times, happiness is everywhere. Happiness is in gratitude to God. Happiness is saying, ‘Thank you, God, for my life, my energy and my capacity to grow in love.’ ”
Source: Essence.com
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