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Four Things You Need To Know About Long Distance Relationships.

Four Things You Need To Know About Long Distance Relationships.

Even though the world is now a global interconnected village brought even more closer by instant messaging apps. But when you’re involved in a romantic relationship and live over 100 miles apart, you realize that texting and calls do not solve all your problems. Just like 50 cent sang in ‘Technology’ you can get tired of using technology and start needing them right there.
Even though the lack of physical intimacy can be such a hurdle, long distance romantic relationships still work if you know just the right tips and tricks.
That’s why we’ve compiled this list of what you need to know that can make your relationship journey a bit easier even when you live miles apart.

Feed each other with details of your activities:
Letting your significant other know the details of your activities is best. Many long distance relationship are a result of one partner having to go to school or work trip abroad. When you fill them in on your daily schedule, it can be comforting to for your partner to imagine what you’re doing at every point in time.
Schedule Time For Calls:
Anticipation is exciting, scheduling time for calls can leave your partner something exciting to look forward to, rather than calling at random, scheduled calls help your partner prepare to talk to you. A scheduled call can be the difference between picking your call while they are in the market and struggling to hear you or sitting relaxed in an area with good cell service and in a great mood to talk.
Send Random Selfies:
Yes! Self-ies, lots of random self-ies. Pictures do tell a thousand words and can help your partner understand that you miss them or are thinking about them. Apart from getting them to think about you, pictures can help spark conversation. Pictures of your self, pictures of any Item or thing you know they like, not forgetting loads of sexy pictures.
Text Good morning and Good night if you can:
Time difference sucks! But relationships are about sacrifice. Finding a way to greet them good morning and good night can show how special they are to you. Also being the first to wish good morning and last to wish good night can help to activate the part of the brain responsible for happiness according to psychological research.
Don’t Fight Dirty:
Messy fights, jealousy and nagging can put an unhealthy burden on your partner. Being miles from you is already more than enough stress. Every issue can be sorted out in a very calm manner, so remember to take a deep breaths and look for a better method to resolve conflicts that throwing accusations. Learn to trust your partner and always place your love first before how angry you might feel.

View Comments (2)
  • Not really a fan of having long relationships – for me it’s just ‘safer’ to have a relationship where both you & your partner aren’t far off from each other.

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