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This Asian Honey Garlic Shrimp with Rice will Take You 15mins Tops!

This Asian Honey Garlic Shrimp with Rice will Take You 15mins Tops!

Quick Dinner Idea

Are you in search of a quick dinner idea? Well, we have got a meal that is fast, easy and oh-so-delicious! A few weeks ago we had a hankering for Asian food, and the Instagram Algorithm gods answered our call. We came across this delicious recipe for Asian Honey Garlic Shrimp with rice and have been hooked. And what kind of friends would we be if we didn’t share?

Tiffany of Tiffy Cooks has been sharing quick 15-minute dinners that you can definitely try at home even if you’re Nigerian. And her recipe for this meal is something you can make right now!

Quick Dinner Idea
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Here’s what you’ll need;

  • 1.5 lb of shrimp (peeled)
  • ¼ cup of Corn Starch
  • 8 cloves of Garlic (minced)
  • 2.5 tbsp of Soy Sauce
  • 1 tbsp of Mirin (substitute with apple cider, dry white wine or rice vinegar, though you’ll need to counteract the sourness with about a 1/2 teaspoon of sugar for every tablespoon you use.)
  • 2 tbsp of Honey
  • 1 tbsp of Sake (optional) (Substitute with apple cider or dry white wine)
  • 1 tsp of Ginger

Here’s how it’s made;

Step 1: Mix the soy sauce, mirin, honey, sake, minced garlic and grated ginger till honey is incorporated in the sauce.
Coat shrimp with corn starch; make sure to dust off any excess starch.

Step 2: In a pan, drizzle in oil and turn the heat up to medium-high. Pan-fry the shrimp for 1-2 minutes on each side and set aside.

See Also

Quick Dinner Idea
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Step 3: Pour in the sauce mixture and let it simmer for 30 seconds. Add back in the shrimp and toss in high heat for 1-2 minutes. Garnish with green onion and sesame seeds.

For more on how this delicious meal was made and more amazing Asian meals, head over to TiffyCooks.com and also check out her new book – Gānbēi.

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