Here are 4 incredible ways to lose fat quickly and easily.
When it comes to full body exercise, some are more effective than others in this article you will learn full body exercises that get you the most results in the shortest period of time.
Burpees are overall body strengthener and will condition you like no other exercise can. They build strength and endurance, raise your heart rate and burn tons of calories while also testing your balance and co-ordination. The movements involved and muscles worked means the benefits of burpees will be obvious in your daily life, as every physical challenge becomes a little bit easier to conquer. The most interesting exciting fact about burpees is that they can done anywhere and don’t need any kit, just a shed load of heart and grit to power through each rep.
Squats not only gives you a strong, powerful lower body but it also work your core, strengthen your back and work shoulders as well. In strength training, a squat is a full body exercise that trains primarily the muscles of the thighs, hips and buttocks. Squats are typically a vital exercise for increasing the strength and size of the legs as well as the developing core strength.
Jump lunges
Contrary to popular belief, jump lunges make your legs burn they will get your heart rate up quickly as well and challenge your balancing skills making them a fantastic full body conditioning exercise.
How to do lunges
Start in a lunge position with your knees touching or almost touching the floor, jump up explosively and switch legs in a way that your rear leg is in the front and your front leg is in the rear. Then repeat at your own convenience.
Skipping is a no new age trendy exercise. In fact, it has been around for years now. Unfortunately, as we have grown, the rope got lost somewhere in our room. However it is high time we pick up the jump rope. Bet you didn’t know skipping is one of the best cardio and high intensity work out and you can burn around 1500 calories and that’s an effective way to melt your fight.
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