Man Slips Abortion Pills Into Pregnant Girlfriend’s Drink, Faces 7 Years In Jail

A Norwegian man is facing seven years behind bars for terminating his ex-girlfriend’s pregnancy without her consent.
According to Sky News, the 20-year-old victim lost her baby 12 weeks into her pregnancy after her ex-boyfriend ground up abortion pills and slipped them into her smoothie in March 2014. This was the defendant’s second attempt terminating the pregnancy with the pills.
The victim revealed to the courts that the defendant had previously tried to talk her into aborting the fetus, but she refused.
“He tried several times to convince me to have an abortion but it was not an option for me,” she said in court, according to NRK.
The defendant did not deny sneaking the pills, which he ordered over the Internet, into his ex’s drink. He claimed that this was his only option because he’d read that the fetus may suffer from birth defects.
“I felt guilt and remorse, but I thought it was the only possible outcome,” he told the courts.
He pled guilty to inflicting bodily harm, and under a rare law, terminating a pregnancy without a mother’s consent. Bizarrely, the man’s defense attorney Torey Angen argued that the sentence was too harsh.
“It’s totally wrong [to sentence him to] seven years, especially considering that he has confessed and has custody of a child from before,” said Angen.
Prosecutor Kaja Strandfjord, however, reasoned that the defendant’s malicious actions were premeditated and that the suggested sentence fits the crime.
“He imported these substances. All of it was precisely and cynically planned,” Strandfjord was quoted by local newspaper Adresseavisen.
Culled from Madame Noire
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