If you have ever stopped by to read my little corner of the internet over at Barbara & 1923, then it is very certain you will have stumbled on one of my very many mentions of the Arami Essentials skincare brand.
I first heard about Arami Essentials in 2017 when I attended the Mose Store launch. Ore spoke at the event and I loved her skin so much that I immediately went online and checked out the Arami Instagram page. There wasn’t a lot happening there at the moment as they had just launched the brand. However, my love affair with the brand began in 2018 when I first purchased Onyx Polish and Ivory Butter (Vanilla). I still have the receipt from that purchase and I paid a total of N6,750.
Arami Essentials has gone full circle and is now on my list of top 5 Nigerian skincare brands I definitely splurge on. The brand just celebrated 6 years old and over here at TW Magazine, we are celebrating ‘Arami Essentials at 6’ by sharing 6 favourite Arami products.
Here goes
1. Eden’s Elixir
This pink, rose-scented toner has won our hearts. It is easy to apply as it can be patted or sprayed on the face and is multi-purpose. It can be used to mix face masks and has a great firming feel after application.
2. HLR Drops
Read the most in-depth review on this product there is here, you’ll know why it is on our list of top favs.
3. Omni Oil
A more luxurious oil, we are yet to use. This oil smells and feels expensive. Not sure what will happen when the mini-version currently in use finishes and a full bottle purchase needs to be made…I’m sure I’ll splurge.
4. Lumi Oil
One usually thinks body shimmer products stain not just the hands that are used to apply the product but also clothes if they touch that area of the skin. Lumi oil doesn’t. The natural shine it gives the skin is just that ‘natural’ and added to it the fact that it really moisturises as well and we have ourselves a winner.
5. Onyx Light
Want to use natural black soap to cleanse your face and skin without the harshness that comes with it and some added luxury? Onyx Light is the answer. I have something to say about it here
6. Joy Oil
Lightweight, smells lovely and did you know it has a hibiscus resting which means it is an infused oil as well? Whenever I use it, I apply it on my face and my hair edges. I love using it on my hair because of how lightweight it is and of course the fragrance too.
Image credit: aramiessentials.com
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