This Might be the Reason Why You Always Feel Broke Even When You’re Making Money!

How to stop feeling broke

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel broke? You know you’re making money, your account balance has seen some Naira, but still, you feel like your account is in the negatives.

The truth is there are a couple of reasons why you might be feeling this way – and we’re here to let you in on them. Thanks to Patricia Bright of The Break Platform, you’re going to see why you’re not necessarily broke. Your mindset just needs some adjustments.

Patricia says – “Hey guys, today we’re talking about feeling broke! Money mindsets, management and planning of our finances are all super important and taking control can really allow us to break free from the ever-present feeling of lack and worry when it comes to finances! Here’s my 8 steps”

Here are some of our favourite highlights;

  1. Having no money goals is bound to ensure your money doesn’t last. You need to tell your money where it needs to go by planning and executing those plans.
  2. Set strategic money goals that are small and actionable. If you’re in debt, set aside some money each week or month that will help pay that off. Or you can set aside some money to keep your personal finances and emergency funds loaded.
  3. You need money clarity. This is basically having clarity regarding what is coming in, what is going out, what your taxes are and figure out what is going where. And this can only happen when you have a budget in place.
  4. Get a positive money mindset. If you were raised in a home where you were told you wouldn’t make money, then you need to change that. If your inner circle is struggling financially, you need to switch to a more financially buoyant circle.
  5. You might have too many payment touchpoints. You may be subscribed for too many things, have too many cards taking up maintenance fees etc. Go through your money channels and figure out which ones you don’t need. Also, you can set all your payments to the same day so you don’t feel like you’re constantly losing money.
  6. You might be feeling broke because everyone looks rich. We’re just going to leave this here.

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Photo Credit: The Break (YouTube)

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