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TW Office Banter – Is Being Homosexual a Crime?

TW Office Banter – Is Being Homosexual a Crime?

Even though hindsight tells a different story, sexuality in Africa, was regarded as a straightforward affair in decades past. Men were sexually attracted to women, and vice-versa.

However, with the turn of the millennium, homosexuality, and alternate sexual behavior have started to enter the conversation. There’s a lot of stigma and prosecution attached to being an LGBTQ member, and so, the TW team, decided to ask: is it a crime to be homosexual? What do you think?


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View Comment (1)
  • In totality being homosexual is a crime. When you dig deeper in different parts – status on social, moral, psychological – it’s worse.
    Even in developed nations where homosexuality is practised in open-secret, there is still a stiff rejection of the LGBT community by many who are conservatives. And you already know Africa’s perception on this.

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