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#iDeyWithHer Ep 7: Oluwaseun Osowobi & Dirug Samuel Yugoro on Ending Sexual Violence the Smart Way!

#iDeyWithHer Ep 7: Oluwaseun Osowobi & Dirug Samuel Yugoro on Ending Sexual Violence the Smart Way!


#iDeyWithHer: Every Sunday, we sit with amazing men and women who have dealt with sexual violence in one way or the other. It is either they’ve had first-hand experiences, or have been so close to it that it still haunts them.

The EU-UN Spotlight Initiative‘s #iDeyWithHer campaign has been set up to document this and more. They set out to and explore what happened in the past to prevent it from happening in the future. Its job has been to work with experts and survivors to bring help to those who truly need it.

In this episode, Oluwaseun Osowobi (Executive Director, Stand To End Rape Initiative) and Dirug Samuel Yugoro (Founder, Big Family 360) chat with Adesuwa Onyenokwe. They discuss the smart way of ending sexual violence through technology.


See Also
Adesuwa Onyenokwe

Follow the conversation every Sunday at 7PM, and catch a replay the following day!
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