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Heart Throbbing Chow by Hadiza Lawal

Heart Throbbing Chow by Hadiza Lawal

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They say that the way to a mans heart is through his stomach.

However, in the case that you are a woman … what is the possible way to your heart? I say FOOD still.

There are a million and one ways to get to a woman’s heart, however, a real woman will tell you that there is no love more sincere than the love of food. Personally, food is everything to me and when I say food, I do not mean just any kind of food. I mean the heart throbbing chow. The kinds that will make you fall in love over and over again. The good thing is that with food, there is no questioning as to whether the love is returned. Further on, you feel no heart break and you never ever feel cheated on. Food is sensational, food is sexual, food is sensual and last but not least, to most women, food is that romantic man you’ve probably been looking for all your life. It has the ability to make you feel whole, like a woman … digging deep past your flesh and perhaps into your soul. It’s almost like that orgasm you get between your legs. The taste of good food gives you that slight sigh; you know that little gasp underneath your voice when he has just hit the right spot? Yes, that’s definitely that. The smell of good food simultaneously gives you that sigh of relief you get from knowing your man smells good. Not to talk about the taste of satisfaction you get after consuming all that good stuff. You’re finally satisfied, and you forever long for more. It’s so good, you want to explore. Your taste buds long to know what else lies beneath such an amazing experience. Dressing up to wine and dine then becomes a habit, with your most sexual outfits out for the candlelight. It’s now time to paint the town red with the man of your dreams.

I learnt to love food the day I stripped myself off all my clothes. Underneath those clothes lay an endless story. One I was eager to master and curious to learn about. I gave up the standard high-class Nigerian views of having maids and cooks prepare my meals. I embarked on a journey I knew so little about, and was stripped off my innocent virginity that I so much worried about. To this amazing experience, I owe my mother. She kept and preserved me, till it was time to introduce me to culinary duties and all the secrets that lay with it. She told me I was woman, and in order to be woman, I had to perform certain duties that were fast dying hard in order to distinguish me from my peers. She started with the little things, and in no time I grew woman enough to know the difference between regular food and good food. I find that these days, not everyone knows what it is like to have fine dining. Just like a female who knows not what she is worth, people go out to eat, and just because it tastes close to okay, the whole nation hypes. It takes a lot to be able to acknowledge what real good food tastes like. Packaging these days is everything, and it is not everything that glitters that is gold. I have learnt not to settle, and this is because I have tasted what it is like to be whole. I have felt sensual and aroused from the mere thought of food. I have been made woman, and I refuse to be anything but more. I owe this all to chow, my heartthrob. Not just your good looks, but also your aroma and that taste you give when touched against these soft lips. They excite me; they really do excite romantic feelings. Willing to cross-oceans and travel places, just to explore some more of you and unleash those surprises that I never expected.

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Image Credit: Hadiza Lawal

Hadiza is a Style driven, Food Fanatic‬. Connect with her on Instagram HERE

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