The mission to rescue 12 boys and their soccer coach from a Thai cave is set to be made into a Hollywood movie.
The story of the trapped 12 boys and their soccer coach had everyone at the edge of their seats.
Divers freed the last four of 12 boys and the adult coach on Tuesday, a successful end to a mission that gripped the world for more than two weeks.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Pure Flix Entertainment, a faith-based production company, has indicated plans to make the movie.
Managing partner Michael Scott, who lives in Thailand and was at the rescue site in Chiang Rai as the boys were being pulled to safety, made the announcement late Tuesday on Twitter.
“I couldn’t be more excited. This story has meant so much to me as I have followed it in Thailand this summer,” he said in a video filmed at the scene of the flooded cave in the country’s north.
“Pure Flix joins the rest of the world in thanking God for answering prayers for the successful rescue of those trapped in the cave in Thailand,” the company said in a statement.
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