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Many of us are forced to say goodbye to our blackberries this December when it will no longer support WhatsApp. 🙁 One of the things we love about Blackberry is how it organizes multiple email accounts into tidy folders…. hmmm, actually that’s the only thing we love about the Blackberry.
BlueMail is 10steps ahead of you.
Introducing the solution to your monstrous mail troubles- the Blue Mail App. This app is all you need for detailed email management that allows you manage your multiple mails from the comfort of one application. Blue Mail is your one stop shop for all things emails as it pretty much handles every service provider there is from Gmail, Outlook, iCloud, AOL, Microsoft Exchange, Yahoo  to name a few. With over one million users across the globe and a 4.7 star rating. Blue Mail is a sure way to stay organized with increased productivity.

• Blue Mail allows you to sync multiple mailboxes with a unified inbox in one place.
• Blue Mail has a cluster function that allows you smoothly organize your emails into people, groups, and services.
• It also provides group mail function which allows you create groups for work, family, and friends letting you send emails to people in your group on the go, saving time.
• Has a wide range of visual customization.
• Lets you keep on top of things anywhere on any device.
• It is free and available on Android, iOS and tablets.
Blue Mail makes the transition from Blackberry to Android or IOS seamless and pain free.

See Also

So goodbye to Blackberry and welcome a smarter alternative to email management.

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