May 7, 2018 (Lagos, Nigeria)-Universal Communications, the umbrella under which the critically acclaimed Today’s Woman Magazine exists is proud to officially announce the launch of its spin-off TV talk show- TW Conversations.

Real Conversations by Real Women in a real Real Lounge, is the signature to this new TV show as Adesuwa Onyenokwe Mrs-a well-seasoned broadcaster with over 25 years experience under her belt, will be returning to our screens with a group of eight (8) very vibrant yet diverse women; Ifeoma I. Idigbe, Funmi Oyetunji, Dionne Jemide, Saudat Salami, Rosie Ebe Arthur, Ann Ochonogor, ChisomOgbumuo, and OmoyeUzamerebetween ages twenty to sixty.

These women are bringing their various personal experiences to this very entertaining talk show as they include the divorced, single mid-thirties, single mothers, top management executives, Actors etc.

TW Conversations is a half hour chat show that brings diverse issues, topics and conversations to the fore, by the Co-Hosts, giving their opinions from different perspectives, giving the audience something to go away with.

TW Conversations premiered on Africa Magic Showcase on Sunday, 6th May 2018 at 5:30pm GMT +1 and has taken on a wide range of topics like Body beautiful, Behind The Mask, The Essence of Spirituality, Feminism and has welcomed guests such as MajeAyida, Femi Ayeni, Nkiru Olumide Ojo, Vivian Oputa, Lydia Sobogun and many others.

With each episode, TW Conversations seeks to validate the essence of the African Woman, inspire men and women to move beyond the status quo and bring about a true national development through thoughts and opinions shared.

The show is also sizzled with Guests, who bring their personalities to the show that in turn, create Conversations in a lounge of fun, relaxation, and awareness

Ifeoma I. Idigbe- a financial and HR analyst and author of a book on some philosophical musings on life…Sounds From Silence: Musings and is a founding chairman of the board of Trustees of Wimbiz. Ifeoma is the Founder of Boys To Men Foundation, to support men to become leaders of integrity through a variety of programs

Rosie Ebe Arthur- Head of HR, Nigeria and West Africa, Standard Chartered Bank. She enjoys working to create the right environment and support to deliver exceptional employees and is passionate about seeing Africa play a bigger role in the world.

Funmi Oyetunji: B.Sc.; FCCA; FCA is a chartered accountant whose career has spanned about 40years in the accountancy practice, banking and currently as the CEO of AbiTos Financial Services Limited, a real estate development, and investment company.

She serves on a number of corporate boards including Ecobank Nigeria She is also Chairperson of the LASAL Foundation that grants scholarship to indigent students at tertiary level.

Dionne Jemide- an administrative management consultant, Entrepreneur, Writer/Editor for stage,  Film, and Television. Dionne runs training programs in Speech and Elocution, public speaking Etiquette and public relations

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Chisom Ogbumuo- Founder/Executive Director, The Conversations Café, Chisom has represented Nigeria severally at delegations like the UN Youth Assembly, the United States Mission to The United Nation and has Coordinated and facilitated multiple delegations of Model United Nations Conferences in Nigeria.

Omoye Uzamereactress, producer, writer, and casting director who is passionate about social reconstruction through art. She has degrees in Law, Performing Arts and French as well as a certificate from Production training at Theatre Royal Stratford East, London.

Omoye has worked on several films, television, theatre and radio productions, including Subterfuge, Put A Ring On It, Aduke Hotel, Jamestown, The Heartbeat Musical, O How Dearly I Detest Thee, The Mistress Of Wholesome, Second Chance, etc. and is currently a series regular on Africa Magic’s original telenovela, AJOCHE.

Saudat Salami- a UnitedStates IVLP and Fate Foundation- aspiring Entrepreneurs programs Alumna, Saudat is the Founder/CEO easyshopeasycook, a foremost online fresh grocer.

Ann Ochonogor- Lawyer and Broadcast Journalist and blogger with experience in Corporate Communications and TV production. Ann is very passionate about women and the issues that affect them.

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