According to the BBC, “The latest Avengers blockbuster is getting almost as many raves as it has superheroes, with one critic calling it “a supremely entertaining showdown”.
The Guardian reviewer has said in a write up that the Avengers: Infinity War is an “utterly confident comic-book movie mash-up.”
Featuring most of the characters from the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe), it shows Iron Man, Black Panther et al unite against an apocalyptic threat.
The movie is a knowingly gargantuan Marvel mashup, so jam-packed with embattled uber saviors.
The movie is set in deep space, and in half a dozen lands (New York, Wakanda, Titan, Knowhere), the film presents a galactic battle for the fate of the universe that throws together the six original Avengers.
The follow-up wave of Marvel superheroes who’ve only recently been given their own origin stories (Black Panther, Dr. Strange, the rebooted Spider-Man); the Guardians of the Galaxy; and a sprinkling of other figures.
Avengers is set for release in Nigeria on Friday, April 27th!!! Who’s excited???
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