by TW Editorial
June 1, 2018

“Gods Wives ” is Bolanle Olukanni first documentary and details the challenges that widows face in Nigeria.
Last week Bolanle Olukanni screened her acclaimed documentary of “God’s Wives” in Abuja during a meeting for #Concerned Mothers Meeting hosted by Her Excellency Dolapo Osinbajo.

The documentary has been an eye opener bringing to realities the effects of traditional and cultural norms placed on widows. God’s Wives is an NGO that provides support for widows and single moms through empowerment programs. Last year the NGO sponsored 75 women to start up businesses in catering. Makeup artistry and tailoring. This year they are on track to graduate another group of women in August.
The screening hosted a variety of member of the public and dignitaries.

“Gods Wives ” is Bolanle Olukanni first documentary and details the challenges that widows face in Nigeria.

If anyone is interested in partnering please send an email to info@bolanleo.com
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