Dating Terms 101: New Relationship Energy (NRE)

If there’s one word we can use to describe New Relationship Energy, it would be ‘excitement’. You know the rush of emotions you get when you receive an unexpected gift or when something amazing happens to you? Yeah, that! But this time, it’s because of another human being.

If this term sounds new to you, let’s break it down.
Basically, New Relationship Energy a.k.a NRE describes that intoxicating feeling of connecting with someone new. If you’ve ever been in several new relationships or spent countless ‘Midnight Call’ hours talking to someone you’ve just met, then you’ve experienced NRE. Think of it as the honeymoon period of the relationship you just started. And to make it even more relatable, it’s exactly what Beyonce was singing about in ‘Drunk in Love’.
Now, there has been some debate on if NRE is good or bad for you and me, but we think it all depends on how strategically you use it. Here are a few pros and cons to help you figure out how to handle NRE when you see her coming.
- New Relationship Energy is great for honesty in the relationship. Because this happens at the early onset of the relationship, both parties are still trying to set the tone. There is usually a lot of truthful conversation in the hopes that the relationship will stand the test of time. Use this period to figure out who you’re talking to.
- It builds positive feelings. Because you’re all rosy-eyed and twirly, you’re most likely going to have nothing but happy days while NRE lasts. This acts as a great catalyst for a lasting relationship – use it wisely.
- It can lead to envy, jealousy or insecurity. As NRE fades, it leaves a gap that used to be filled with constant attention. As that gap is recognized it could lead to a feeling of being undesirable or jealous of your partner’s new relationships. make sure you watch out for this.
- Could happen in multiple relationships. NRE isn’t a ‘wait your turn’ concept – it comes free and can happen in more than 1 relationship at a go.
As complicated as NRE sounds, if managed well, it could become the perfect foundation for a loving, honest, intimate and mutually beneficial relationship.
Tell us, are you for or against New Relationship Energy. And have you ever experienced NRE?
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