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Chick Chat With Connie Girl: Too Much “Packaging” On Social Media?

Chick Chat With Connie Girl: Too Much “Packaging” On Social Media?

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Hello Guys! It’s Talk Tuesday A.K.A Chick Chat. I’ve been in Shondaland all weekend so this quote from #YearofYes was inspiration for this piece. Read, Comment & Share!

I don’t know about you, but it’s the idea that I’m not measuring up that gets me. I’m constantly worrying and wondering and feeling like I am failing because everywhere I look, everyone else seems to be thriving. ~ Shonda Rhimes

I love social media. I do with no shame. It’s an amazing tool for so many businesses, a superb awareness platform and a genius global networking tool. What’s not to love about that! I personally like escapism. I scroll through some pages and get so lost sometimes. I have travelled to many destinations in my head. I love travel and lifestyle and pages, food blogs and fashion. What has come to mind is the excessive self promotion A.K.A the “packaging” A.K.A branding on social media. It is spiralling OUT OF CONTROL these days. People will assume you are in the Bahamas if you take a picture by the pool. If you post an old holiday picture and forget to #TBT, it’s assumed “you’re always travelling”. Most of what I see everyday on my timeline is “everything looks great” but when I speak to or see some of the same people, they are “barely hanging on”. Behind so many pages, businesses are losing clients, relationships are failing, friendships are fake, people are broke and life is hard!

Society generally has a hard time stomaching people who seemingly “have it all” on social media. Most people have real problems, much deeper than one will suspect. So I can see how too many #Baecation pictures comes off as “everything looks great” even when Olympus has fallen. So, how exactly does one keep it real? Is there an appropriate way to document the “I’m barely hanging on” parts of life? The, “I can’t quite figure out where my next pay check is coming from” the “I can’t post a picture of my bank balance”(#MostPeopleWouldFaint if you could see their bank balance)  the “the exchange rate has crippled my business” the “I don’t know how I’m going to pay school fees”, the “thank God for Nepa this week because no diesel”.

Social media isn’t for that. Everything looks great and IS great!

See Also
dating when older

This isn’t to preach against people putting their best foot forward and carrying on with your head up high looking like a million bucks through life’s ups and downs. I’m all for that but after speaking to “The Social Media Sanhendrin”, (they exist) people don’t seem to buy the “everything looks great” “I’m slaying and #blessed shenanigans”

They’d prefer you post every 33wks, stop giving off false pretenses and over exaggerating a lifestyle that isn’t truly your reality. It is a turn off if you are not a Kardashian, to be pretty pretty princess and with a Net a porter closet. What sayeth thee guys? Are you team #everythinglooksgreat (in Jesus name) or #imbarelyhangingon (see you in 33wks) #socialmedia #socialmediahabits #branding #selfpromotion too much or nah?

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