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Chick Chat With Connie Girl: This Is A Man’s World, Right?

Chick Chat With Connie Girl: This Is A Man’s World, Right?


Hello Guys! It’s #TalkTuesday A.K.A #ChickChat.

In conversation with a male friend of mine about the dynamics of daily living and relationships, he pretty much declared that life is generally harder for men than it is for women. Women, generally have it easier getting through life, getting jobs and convincing men and higher ups in times of desperation. It was an interesting dialogue and he made some salient points. In my defense towards women and the society we live in, Sheryl Sandberg said it best, “Women are more likely to accommodate a partners career than the other way around. Men rarely give up their high paying jobs or focus for a woman.”

My friend has been job searching for well over a year and he has gotten no where with the 100 qualifications he has. He has applied for countless roles but keeps getting denied. He has run out of favours with family and friends so he was speaking from experience on his observations on hardship. I understand his position, a man with an ego  wants a good job that provides him with enough for rent, transportation, school fees and living allowances. He thinks women in general don’t have this as a primary goal (this is relative) so in searching for work we are naturally more flexible. I marvel at how he thinks a woman with the same criteria would have gotten a job by now or even has the “luxury” of staying home. At least we can say we are taking care of the kids. We have the upper hand in his own eyes because we are women.

Firstly, I told him, in our supposedly traditional society, women NOT working has been a huge cause of conflict and divorce in 65{54d2fcdcd494adb6982253be6fe8d5492e5f586157f419110131714f9092ec60} of most marriages. How does that make it easier. For most women, maintaining ones respect and independence whilst starting a family is most challenging. How easy it for women I asked my dear friend? Getting back into the workforce after maternity leave is one of the biggest career struggles a woman can have. She has more to prove and now is less likely to be hired because of the added responsibility at home. How easy is it for the committed and devoted wives of our Governors, Senators, Pastors, Athletes and Chief Executives who put up with the most insensitive schedules and shenanigans to “make their homes work”. How “easy” is it to live your whole life “behind” a man? Few power couples like Jay Z and Beyoncé exist in the real world. For the average individual, one partners ambition has to take a back seat and it is usually the WOMAN.  A job change that includes moving to another city is usually a non starter conversation for a woman in a relationship. Fear of losing her man and her family is placed above any career aspiration. Men rarely find this to be a challenge. Regardless of how well taken care of a woman is, I question if there is any fulfillment in devoting ones life to achieving someone else’s goals. Biologically we go through monthly cycles (some extreme) child birth and for the most part are burdened with the responsibility of being the primary careers for the children. Some women have no choice but to do this while balancing their careers.

The degree of hardship in life is relative to circumstance and NOT the sex of the individual. Life is hard for both sexes and one doesn’t suffer more because they are male or female. We both have our equal sufferings in this thing called life!!  We had a much longer talk but Instagram won’t let me be great!

See Also

I’m signing out with the words of James Brown “This is a mans world….. But it don’t mean nothing….without a woman”

Do you guys agree or do you think women or men have it easier?

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