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Chick Chat With Connie Girl: Are You A Fair Weather Friend?

Chick Chat With Connie Girl: Are You A Fair Weather Friend?


Hello Guys! It’s #TalkTuesday A.K.A #ChickChat.

No one likes a fair weather friend! Are you one? Do you share your wallet with your friends? Speak on it, Read, Comment & Share.

I just launched a fabric and fashion clothing store in a popular area. I had been marketing online mainly through social media for a year before I got a shop front. To mark the opening, I had a store launch for about 100 guests with cocktails and canapés. I noticed my friends were supportive by attending but only few (three or so) of them purchased  that day and they all had the nerve to ask for discounts. I’m not sure if I’m being overly sensitive or naive by having the expectation that my friends should financially support my business. They “ooohh’ed and aaahh’d at the pieces they loved, goshed at the affordable prices but “never came back”. The same people walk into Saks and throw Louboutins in their carts without question but devalue my goods which don’t cost half as much. They were barely supportive on social media with few singing praises of how proud they were. Whilst I didn’t open the store for friends, I’m hurt.

See Also

Aren’t financial sacrifices part of building friendships? My mom asked me to arrest my sensitivity & commended the efforts I’ve put into marketing my store to the general public. She asked me to continue with that focus. She was cheeky enough to note that the ones who spent zero ate more chicken than purchasing customers lol.
How does one not allow these “feelings” get in the way of friendships. Is it something to address or should friends be free from such obligation? I really believe in putting your money where your mouth is and this was my response to someone who said “would you rather they didn’t show up?” One particular friend had a destination wedding which I attended. If I was to cost the airfare, hotel and miscellaneous expenses, it beats any of the prices in my store.

Has anyone else experienced this disappointment? Is she being too sensitive?

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