How Do You Deal with Peer Pressure? Dive this Week’s Episode of ‘I Said What I Said’ with FK & Jollz

Have you ever Googled ‘How to Handle Peer Pressure’? Whether you’re an adult or a teenager, you must have come across peer pressure at one point. But then wondered how to deal with it and still come out looking ‘cool’.
We would like to apologize – we’ve been holding back the I Said What I Said podcast from you, and we want to change our ways.
FK Abudu and Jola Ayeye are back with another episode of I Said What I Said. In case you’re just getting on board with ISWIS, this is a weekly podcast where the hosts talk about everything. From how to choose a plastic surgeon to tips on becoming a cool mom, they sort of have no limits.
In this episode, “Fk and Jollz talk about their experiences with peer pressure and people-pleasing. How they felt the need to fit in as teenagers and how they now as adults handle other people’s expectations of them and many more!.”
Listen to the full episode for all the tea here –
But for now, watch how to handle peer pressure here;
Photo Credit: I Said What I Said
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