#MondayMotivation – Using Your Environment to Win at Work

The general idea around human behavior is that it is mostly controlled from within; that we direct all our decisions, and as such if we want to change any behavior or create new habits, all we need is more determination or willpower.
While this is true to an extent, it’s not the whole story. Our environment and the people that constitute it, influence our decisions greatly. They can either support or suppress any progress we hope to make; hence the saying, bad company corrupts good manners.
To help you make the best of your office milieu and achieve your goals, here are four things you can do:
1. Disable your phone:
Social media is currently one of the biggest distractions in the office, and its reach is aided by our smartphones. It’s a useful tool to have, but if not managed, it will drain your time, and distort your focus; reducing your ability to do deep work. If you find yourself scrolling through social media, the best thing to do, is turn your phone off. Set a specific time when you’ll go through social media or respond to phone calls.
2. Paste your to do list on your Laptop
This will help you keep your tasks on top of mind, and keep you focused.
3. Don’t sit close to “work friends”
Sitting close to co-workers you’re close to might be fun in the short term, but has the effect of backfiring over time. You are easily distracted by the gist, and the informal nature of your relationship makes it easier for them to overstep any boundaries you might set when it comes to work time. The best thing is to sit close to a person you’re aren’t too familiar with. The awkwardness of the situation will make it easy to focus on any work you have to do. If you can’t escape your gist partner, invest in some noise-cancelling headphones; putting them on serves as a signal to your colleagues that it it’s time to work.
4. Go for walks
This is especially important after lunch, when sleepiness is most likely to hit. The mobility increases blood flow in your body, and the sunlight rejuvenates you, helping to increase your focus, and give you that extra bit of energy you need to power through the rest of the day.
Being successful is hard. It becomes impossible when your environment is against you as well. Learn how to make it work for you, and watch your efforts become amplified.
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