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It Happened To Me: Falling For Two Cousins

It Happened To Me: Falling For Two Cousins



If anyone would have told me the story I am about to tell you seven years ago, I would have hissed, rolled my eyes and called the girl a ‘loose girl.’ I would have said something like: “Which kind of evil girl is this who wants to come between two cousins?”

Well, it’s funny that now, if I anyone tells me a story like the one I am about to tell you, I will say: “Life happens. Let’s not judge others too quickly.”

I know you are curious.

So, here is my story.

In 2010, I was in the parking lot of my church, trying to sneak away as I didn’t want to greet any of my parent’s friends. Then one of my childhood friend walked up to me. We had not seen each other in years so we chatted about the usual stuff: where we were working now, which of our friends were getting married and who we were currently dating.

I told her that I was not seeing anyone and pleaded with her to “find a husband for me.” I really didn’t want her to find a husband for me, you see; I just said it because I didn’t know what else to say – I always say the dumbest things to fill up awkward silences. Then she told me that there was “one guy” that she was going to give my number to. She said he was single, handsome, blah, blah, blah. I was not really listening because I was eyeing the exit door, so absentmindedly, I told her that she could give the guy my number.

Three days later, the mystery guy called me. Let’s call him Damilola. The attraction was visceral. I didn’t even need to know what he looked like; I fell for him. And when I saw him for the first time with his tall frame and charcoal skin, the attraction doubled, even tripled sef.

Until I met his cousin.

I know it sounds bad, but please hear me out.

Damilola invited me to his cousin’s house because he was staying there temporarily. Let’s call his cousin Tunde. I entered into the flat and I saw Damilola and Tunde sitting on the sofa, drinking glasses of wine. I didn’t think too much of Tunde; He was ordinary looking, and he didn’t have the kind of mind blowing good looks that Damilola had.  Then Tunde opened his mouth and started speaking. Let’s just say that my brain fell for him immediately. He was so intelligent, well-travelled, well spoken. For the next two hours, I didn’t even glance in Damilola’s direction. I knew I was behaving badly, but I didn’t care. Damilola tried to interrupt I and Tunde’s conversation, but I didn’t listen to him.

When it was time to leave, I was so sad because I knew that I could not ask for Tunde for his number. Tunde walked us to the door and said goodbye. I swear, I felt like crying.

Well that is the end of my story.


Just kidding.

So, my friends, that is how my nightmare began. I thought about these two cousins morning, afternoon and night. It was very bad. I had fallen for the both of them. And the sad part was that I didn’t even know who to ask for advice because I knew that if I told anyone about my situation, they would probably call me some names that my heart would not be able to handle.

Damilola was still calling me, telling me how much he liked me, but everything was different; I kept on thinking about Tunde. Once, I contemplated going to Tunde’s house, and to stop myself, I literally had to hide my car keys.

One bright morning I woke up, thoroughly exhausted from the mental drama. I decided to do the noble thing. I deleted Damilola’s number from my phone and decided never to speak to him again. Damilola called and called. He sent numerous text messages. Then after a while, he just stopped contacting me altogether. I felt bad, but I was relieved.

See Also

I know some of you are rolling your eyes, thinking that “this babe is lying jare!”

Well my friends, I am not lying. I knew I couldn’t date Damilola because I was so sure that if I ever saw Tunde again, I couldn’t predict what would happen. And I didn’t want to be that girl who messed around with two cousins at the same time.

My mother raised me better than that!

Now, seven years later, I check on them sometimes. Damilola still lives in Lagos, and he is in a serious relationship. And as for Tunde, he is married to a white lady and he lives in the UK. Please I am not a stalker o! I just like to keep tabs on people in my circle…  wink wink.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I got in contact with them. I mean I am so over them.  It has been 7 years, right?

Maybe we could all be friends?

Well, maybe not.

So, my friends, that is my story. Please don’t judge me; at least I did the right thing. And for those of you still rolling your eyes at me, well I have some wise words for you: “Life happens. Let’s not judge others too quickly.”


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