tw Recipe: Stewed Crab and Boiled Rice

Have you ever eaten crabs?
If you have not, this is the best way to dip your tongue into one of the most tasty sea foods!!!
And for those of you who have eaten crabs, you know the drill!!
Fresh Crabs
Blended tomatoes, peppers and onions
Vegetable oil
Tomato puree
All purpose seasoning
Maggi shrimp cubes
Salt to taste
Half fill a very large pot or fish kettle with fresh water, and add plenty of salt and bring to a vigorous boil
Drop the crab in and bring back to the boil
Give the crab about 20 to 35 minutes to cook depending on size
Once done pour the content into the sink and wash off the crab with fresh water to remove any surplus protein
Allow to cool then prepare crab by prying the crab face off to reveal the inner contents
Remove the unwanted parts and arrange neatly on a tray ready to be stewed
Add oil into a wide pot. When it gets hot, pour the blended ingredients (Tomatoes, pepper and onions).
Allow the mixture fry for some minutes . Then add the rest of the ingredients (curry, thyme, seasoning, salt etc.)
Leave to cook for about 5 minutes and add a little water if too thick
Add the already prepared crabs arranging neatly in the pot
Cover pot and let cook for a further 10 minutes to get the sauce well embedded in the crabs
Let cool down and serve with boiled white rice!
Fresh crab can be purchased at seafood markets like Epe Fish Market or Isale Eko market or on supermarkets online.
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