#IWD2020 – Nigeria’s Ministry of Women Affairs: How Many Know Of Its Existence?

Happy International Women’s Day 2020! #IWD2020
The 8th of March is set aside annually to “reflect on progress made, to call for change and celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women, who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities”, according to the United Nations.
This year’s IWD theme is, ‘I Am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Nigeria’.
Do you know that in Nigeria we have a Federal Ministry of Women Affairs & Social Development which is responsible for leading the process of gender equality?
Curious about how many people know of its existence I went to the street of Lagos to ask people whether they had heard about the Ministry and its impact. Most of our respondents said they were not aware of any programme or project was done by this Ministry, while some did not know that such Ministry existed in the first place. And while a few people said they had witnessed some of its projects and acknowledged its impact, almost everyone had recommendations for the Ministry.
Upon receiving the feedback I tried to find some information about the recent activities of the Ministry. My first stop was the Ministry’s official website ( http://womenaffairs.gov.ng/ last viewed this weekend) but it didn’t have adequate information. I resorted to visiting Mr Know-It-all (Google) and began to find pieces of information about past programmes, scattered across different news sites.
This got me thinking that there is a need to bridge the gap in information in order to get more people aware about the activities of the Ministry in promoting gender equality and to become a part of Generation Equality.
In light of this, I recommend that the Ministry should update its official website with information about its policies, programmes and achievements. It would also be a good idea to create awareness about its work using mass & social media.
What do you think? I would love to hear from you in the comment section but first, listen to the voices of other Nigerians.
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