Did You Know That Nigerian Women Are Regularly Molested While Using Public Transportation
Did you know women are sometimes molested on public transport?
I may not be able to relate with this, because I have never been molested in public transport, but these things do happen. At the tw office this morning, 2 members of staff gave us two accounts of women who have been molested on while using public transportation in Lagos (on the Island).
While listening to the stories what struck me was how both women responded.
The first story goes thus, on a bus ride to work, a man unzipped his trousers, and began fondling himself while starring at the woman sitting next to him. While the second story is about a man who also unzipped his trousers, but instead, took the hand of the woman next to him and placed it on his privates. The first lady reportedly ignored the man, clutching her purse closer to her. The second lady reportedly slapped him three times. The incident caught the attention of the rest of the bus, causing him to leave the bus.
The conversation sparked comments about the men in these situations, ranging from mentions of mental illness, spiritual influence, disrespect of women by men and lack of personal decency.
Bakhita said,
Wow! People are crazy.
I know. Very crazy!
They must be mad.
The bus drivers on the mainland are even worse.
Maybe when dusk comes, men personalities change
Can you relate to this story? What would you do if you were one of the women faced with such a situation? Which of the women’s responses do you agree with – the lady who ignored the man or the one who slapped him?
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