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Around the world on International Women’s Day March 8th, women gathered together in celebrations and protests. Below are some of the pictures from these events.

  1. Amritsar, India

Women wear traditional Punjabi dress as they perform the ‘giddha’ dance during celebrations

Amristsrar India Women wear traditiolan Punjabi dress as they perform the giddha dance during celebrations Narinder

Photograph: Narinder Nanu/AFP/Getty Images


  1. Rio De Jainero, Brazil

Brazil Women’s Day Rally in Candelaria Square.

Brazil Womens Day Rally in Candelaria Square in Rio De Janeiro Brazil Vanderel Almeida AFP Getty

Photograph: Vanderel Almeida AFP Getty


  1. Bucharest, Romania

Women lay down in front of the Justice Ministry in Bucharest during a protest calling for better law enforcement to protect abused women.

Bucharest Romania Women Lay down in front of Justice Ministry in Bucharest during a protest calling for bettter law enforcement to protect abused women Daniel Mihailescu AFP

Photograph: Daniel Mihailescu/AFP/Getty Image


  1. Dehradun, India

Policewomen tie ribbons to their uniforms.

Dehardun India Policewomen tie ribbons to their uniforms STR AFP Getty Images

Photograph: STR/AFP/Getty Images


  1. Dhaka Bangladesh

NGO leaders and workers at a rally to demand equal rights for women in the work place, with safety and a fair salary.

Dhaka Bangladesh NGO leaders and workers at a rally to demand equal rights for women in the work place with safety and a fair salary Abir Abdullah

Photograph: Abir Abdullah/EPA


  1. London, UK

Olympic sporting stars Katherine Grainger, Kate Richardson-Walsh, and Helen Richardson-Walsh attend the International Women’s Day reception at 10 Downing Street hosted by Prime Minister Theresa May.

London UK Olympic Stars Katherine Grainger Kate Richardson Walsh attend IWD recerption at 10 Dowining Street Hoseted by Prime Minister Theresa MAY

Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA


  1. Manilla, Philippines

Protesters gather to urge President Rodrigo Duterte to address the pressing problems of lack of food, jobs and peace instead of killings and violence.

Manilla Phillipines Protesters to urge President Rodrigo Dueterte to address pressing problems of lack of food, jobs and peace instead of killiongs and violence Bullit Marquez

Photograph: Bullit Marquez/AP


  1. Mexico, North America

International Women’s Day demonstration at the Monument to the Revolution Mexico City Mexico.

Mexico International Womend Day demonstration at the Monument to the Revolution Mexico City Mexico EPA Mario Guzam

Photograph: EPA Mario Guzam


  1. Minsk, Belarus

Participants of the ‘beauty run’ on the main Nezavisimosti avenue.

Minsk Belarus Participants of the beauty run on the main Nezavisimosti avenue Tatyana

Photograph: Tatyana Zenkovich/EPA


  1. Nairobi Kenya

Maasai women dance as they welcome the United Nations secretary-general, António Guterres, at an event to celebrate the International Women’s Day.

Nairobi Kenya Massai Women dance as they welcome the UN SG Antonio Guterres at an e to cel IWD Dai Kurokawa

Photograph: Dai Kurokawa/EPA


  1. New York, America

A young woman is arrested in New York after staging a sit in protest while taking part in the Day Without a Woman.

New York A woman arrested after staging a sit in protest while taking part in the Day Witthout a Woman Lucas Jackson Reuters

Photograph: Lucas Jackson/Reuters


  1. Ekiti, Nigeria

The ONE campaign, an international organization aimed at ending extreme poverty and eradicating preventable diseases, staged several hundred walk-ins around the globe earlier today to rally for women’s education. One of its largest events took place in Nigeria, in Ekiti State, with several hundred students and activists.

Nigeria One Campaign at Ekiti State Handout

Photograph: Handout


  1. Seoul, South Korea

Women attend a rally.

Seoul South Korea Women attend a rally

Photograph: Jeon Heon-Kyun/EPA


  1. Tbilisi, Georgia

Women perform behind a ‘glass ceiling’ during a rally.

Tbilisi Gerogia Women perform behing a glass ceiling during a rally David Mdzinarishvilli Reuters

Photograph: David Mdzinarishvili/Reuters

See Also


  1. Vancouver, Canada

Women participate in a flash-mob dance.

Vancoever Canad Women Partcipate in Flash Mob Dance Xinhua

Photograph: Xinhua/Barcroft Images


  1. Melbourne, Australia

Thousands of demonstrators attend a rally calling for decolonisation of Australia, end to racism, economic justice for all women and reproductive justice, as well as supporting the struggle for the liberation of all women around the world.



Photograph: Daniel Pockett/Getty Images


  1. Brussels, Belgium

Polish women demonstrate in Brussels near the European commission.

Brussels Belgium Polish Women demostrate in Brussels near the EU Oliver Hoslet

Photograph: Olivier Hoslet/EPA


18. Manila, Philippines

Women carrying placards are blocked by police as they march towards the US embassy.

Manila Phillipines Women carrying Placards are blocked by the police as they march towards the US embassy Bullit Marquez AP

Photograph: Bullit Marquez/AP


  1. Pristina, Kosovo

A woman holds a poster by US artist Shepard Ferey and reading ‘We the people, defend dignity’ as people rally for gender equality and against violence towards women.


Photograph: Armend Nimani/AFP/Getty Images


  1. Ankara, Turkey

Women shout slogans and hold placards against the upcoming referendum on a new constitution.

Ankara Turkey Women shout slogans and hold up placards against the upcomong referendum on a new constitution Tuman Berkin

Photograph: Tumay Berkin/EPA


Source: The Guardian

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