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Do You Go To Bed With Your Makeup On?

Do You Go To Bed With Your Makeup On?

31 Jul 2013 --- Black woman wiping face with cotton pad --- Image by © JGI/Jamie Grill/Blend Images/Corbis

I wear a lot of makeup. From powder to concealer, to eyeliner, to mascara, on a good day, you will find all these makeup products on my face. So, by the end of the day, there is always a thick layer of makeup on my face crying to be removed.

In the past, when I didn’t know any better, I sometimes slept with my makeup on. And my skin bore the evidence of my foolish actions. I had pimples as a result of clogged pores and eye infections as a result of eye liner that had entered into my eyes while I slept.

So about four years ago, I developed a rule: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE WAS I TO GO TO BED WITH ANY MAKEUP ON. This means that no matter how tired I am, no matter how loud sleep is calling my name, I do not make the mistake of going to bed with makeup on my face.

Since I started this, my skin has improved drastically. I get the occasional pimple, like most women, but my skin texture and appearance has improved.

Here is the method which I use.

  1. I use an oil based eye makeup remover and a cotton pad to take off my eye makeup.
  2. I use baby wipes to take off all my face makeup. I continue this step until the wipe is almost white, which shows that most of my makeup is off.
  3. I use a mild facial scrub to remove all the dead skin cells that have accumulated on my face (I have oily skin so I can afford to do this step about three times a week.)
  4. I use a facial soap or a foamy cleanser to wash my face. I make sure to wash my forehead and my jaw area because these are the areas I usually break out in.
  5. I use a white towel to clean up my face. If there are any brown or black stains on the towel, I repeat step 4 again because this means that I have not taken off all my makeup.
  6. I use a liquid cleanser with a cotton pad to ensure my face is squeaky clean. At this step, the cotton pad is usually perfectly white after I cleanse my face.
  7. Lastly, I moisturize my skin.

All these steps take me less than ten minutes, and I do this every night. By the time, I am done, my skin feels smooth and supple. And the amazing part is that I sleep so much better when my skin is properly cleansed.


My routine may not work for everyone; it depends on what type of skin you have and what products you like to use. If you do not have a current routine, you can search on YouTube and Google. There are thousands of articles and videos that deal with this issue.

But no matter what routine you use, just make sure that you take off ALL your makeup before you go to bed. You have to be thorough about the process because sometimes, we think we have removed all our makeup, but if we wipe our eyes or our skin with a fresh baby wipe, it’s a different story.

So, the key to this is not removing SOME OF YOUR MAKEUP; it is removing ALL OF YOUR MAKEUP.

Your will sleep so much better and your skin will thank you in the morning.

Image by © JGI/Jamie Grill/Blend Images/Corbis


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