5 Steps To Financial Security By 30

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Image Found on community.ally.com

by Dara Rhodes

Most people dream of financial security without actually doing anything to make those dreams a reality. Below are five simple steps to help you turn your dreams into your reality.

1) Become financially literate

Financial literacy is a must if you are to ever become financially secure. Learn how to make your money work for you instead of just saving it. Studies have shown that financially literate people end up with more wealth than those who are not.

2) Be a planner.

Life happens and nothing is certain but before you decide to go with the flow in every area of your life, think about your financial future. One step to achieving financial security and independence is by becoming a planner. Develop this habit.

3) Invest in yourself

You are your biggest asset. Your knowledge, skills and experience are your biggest financial assets. Invest in yourself because the more you invest in you, the greater you will pay off in the future. Increase your value through continuous education, upgrading of your skills, hard work and smart career choices.

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4) Set short term goals

Admittedly, the plans you had for your life while at university, have changed now. A lot can happen between now and 30 years into the future, as such, invest your time in setting a series of short term goals. You cannot achieve a goal to be worth a billion dollars at 40, without first achieving smaller goals like being worth, one million naira.

5) Have fun

It is imperative to have fun while you are young. However, financially, we can’t live like today is our last day on earth. Thus, live it up in your twenties but remember that it is also imperative to strike a balance between your life today and your future.

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