Did you know that Banana peel contains a host of amazing compounds and nutrients?
Most people see banana and orange peels as nothing more than protection for the goodness that lives underneath. But did you know that Banana peel, in particular, contains a host of amazing compounds and nutrients?
When you toss them in the bin mindlessly, you’re throwing away lots and lots of potential benefits.
We guarantee that after learning the truth about banana peel, you’ll think twice about throwing them away.
We’ve gathered 10 of the best banana peel uses for you to try:
1) Shoe Polish: Did you know banana peels (on the inside) make a great shoe polish? Just rub it around your shoe and then buff it with a white cloth.
2) Teeth Whitener: Rub the inside of your banana peel on your teeth to whiten them. Apparently, the manganese, magnesium, and potassium help whiten the enamel of your teeth.
3) Anti Depressant: Researchers have found that drinking boiled banana peel water (or juicing the peel) can ease depression.
4) Wart Cure: It only takes 1-2 weeks to remove a wart with a banana peel.
5) Itch Soother: Banana peels can help relieve bug bites and poison ivy. It won’t remove the oils that cause the itching but it’ll soothe the bite or rash altogether.
6) Meat tenderizer: Add a banana peel to your next grill and it’ll add just enough moisture to ensure the barbecue doesn’t get too dry.
7) Splinter Removal: Banana peels help ease splinters out of your skin. Place banana peel on a splinter with athletic tape for a while and then try to ease the splinter out.
8) Acne: Banana peels rubbed on your acne will help in the acne curing process.
9) Bruise control: Rub the insides of the peel on a bruise and watch that bruise disappear.
10) Dry Skin Cure: If you have psoriasis, try rubbing the inside of a banana peel on your affected areas twice a day and you’ll see the dry scaly skin dissipate.
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