Chick Chat With Connie Girl: N30k For Facebeat? Are We Paying Too Much For Beauty?!

Hello Guys! It’s #TalkTuesday A.K.A #ChickChat Has the cost of our obsession with beauty risen over the years. The cost of cosmetic products these days and the price we are willing to pay for “beauty” is alarming. If you want to stay-in-the-game, there is a price to pay!
Over the weekend I had to call up a few make up artists for a shoot. I like a lot of the work I see on Instagram these days. Everyone seems to be stepping it up a notch. I’m a low maintenance beauty enthusiast. Meaning, I don’t even know where my powder brush is and I don’t own an angle brush! Pretty sad huh! I do have make up bags. 3 half-full make up bags with palettes that must be dated by now. Anyway, after playing phone tag with a few of my favs, I was shocked at the cost of makeup in Nigeria. Say what!! Lol I must be EL CHEAPO because I’m slightly ignorant in this area. Half day rates, hourly rates, full day rates I almost fainted but had to play it off like I was cool. To cut a long story short, these prices are astronomical. I may have to stop being lazy and dust up my make up bags and head to YouTube for those tutorials.
The “middle class”( I use this term to describe those who can afford 30K for a FaceBeat on occasion) is extremely small in Nigeria, everyone knows everyone and people are alarmingly image conscious. I’m all for it. Whatever makes you feel greatest go for it but I just keep gasping at the “waste” of millions that goes on “Face painting”. My friend mentioned to me the other day that she wasn’t going to a wedding because she is counting her pennies and she doesn’t want to feel like the help amongst the “in crowd” so she “jejely” sat down. I must say the wahala of it all is exhausting. The extent ladies will go to for vanity!
I’ll be the first to admit that you can’t tell a woman NOTHING when she gets a make over! It’s such a confidence booster when a woman feels beautiful and I have paid on several occasions for that emotion. (It’s the reason for some of those pointless videos with no sound on Instagram and snap chat) However, have we lost ourselves in all of this? Isn’t this all vanity at the end of the day. On one hand where is the empowerment in placing a price limit on the enhancement of self? But in reality, do we have misplaced priorities even if one can afford the splurge.
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