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#MondayMotivation – Be Actually Motivated at Work

#MondayMotivation – Be Actually Motivated at Work

Image credits: imoment

We spend huge chunks of our lives at work, more time than we spend with our loved ones. It would be a shame to spend all that time unmotivated or uninspired. Still, motivation seems to be hard to come by; most of us trudge through work, and very few get far enough to make any meaningful progress, because contrary to appearance, the hardest thing to move, is yourself. So, what do you do, if you find that work doesn’t motivate you?

  1. Improve your diet

First, get rid of your junk food; most of the snacks you eat are loaded with simple sugars. Simple sugars spike your blood sugar to abnormal levels, causing your body to produce insulin, which manages the excess sugar. The rapid reduction in sugar then causes you to feel sleepy, thereby reducing your motivation to do anything. To combat this, snack on fruits and nuts, or drink water when you feel the need to snack, water makes you feel filled.

  1. Break your work into smaller tasks

Sometimes being overwhelmed by your workload can drain motivation. When this happens, take a deep breath, and then examine the work, do an overview of what needs to be accomplished, and then break the solution down into easy-to-do tasks. It will take the dread out, and give you direction, which is great for motivation.

  1. Socialize

People are an important part of being human; taking breaks to interact with your colleagues, especially when you feel unmotivated can be good opportunities to unwind or depending on the relationship, unburden. Don’t be a recluse, socialize; honest interactions can be very rejuvenating.

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Flow diagram by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  1. Make sure you’re good at what you do

Nothing is worse than facing challenges you’re unequipped to handle; because as seen in the above picture, all you’ll get is anxiety. Likewise, working a job that is too easy will leave you bored, which isn’t too far from apathy. You’re probably wondering why anyone will be at a job they aren’t skilled at in the first place, but life is unpredictable, circumstances might find you in places where you either sink or swim. Luckily, learning a skill has never been easier; platforms such as Youtube, Skillshare, Udemy and so on, provide the lessons, all you have to bring is a genuine desire to learn, and you’re good to go.

  1. Make sure you’re doing what you want to do

This isn’t a way to say follow your passion, you don’t have to be passionate about your job, however, you have to want to do it. Most people go to work for survival, while that might suffice for a while, it doesn’t take them far in terms of motivation. Whatever reason you have for working this job, make sure it’s strong enough to push you to give your best, and place it on your lock-screen and in your environment, so you can gain strength when you feel unmotivated.

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