LLF Digital is Back – See the New Dates & Register!

Lagos Leather Fair Digital (LLF Digital) is back on and we are very excited! To let you in on all the juicy details, here’s a word from LLF Digital.
Hello everyone, How are you holding up? Remember, we are all in this together. Change is now.
On a lighter note, sequel to our announcement of the postponement of LLF Digital, we are delighted to inform you that 19th-22nd November 2020 has been confirmed as the new dates for the 4-day event.
As you are aware, 2020 has been quite the journey and we are glad to be able to still organize this event amidst all that’s been happening.
LLF Digital is the first of its kind in our journey so far. Themed “Re-Defining The Narrative”, this year’s event will provide a new perspective to the range and dynamism of the Nigerian leather space as a core part of the global fashion industry.
LLF DIGITAL is a 4-day event that will present a virtual space dedicated to promoting all exhibiting brands to fashion retailers and ready buyers, teaching the fundamentals of leather design and production through a series of well-structured and detailed workshops with Q&A segments, and tackling current socioeconomic issues that stand as obstacles in the Nigerian leather industry through insightful conversations.
Join and engage in our carefully curated conversations and lessons from industry experts all through the event.
Register here https://thelagosleatherfair.com/register.html
See you online from the 19th – 20th!
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