‘If You Know You’re Not Going To Marry Her, Then Free Her’ – Omokri

Bestselling author, Reno Omokri has urged men not to waste any woman’s time, if they know they’d never marry her.
According to the writer in his daily nuggets on Wednesday, he said the biological clock of women ticks faster than that of men, so it would be wrong for any man who knows in “heart of hearts”, that he won’t marry a woman to keep wasting her time.
Omokri says it’s pure cruelty to keep a woman hope up for years, then dump her after everything.
Dear men,
Women have a biological clock that ticks twice as fast as yours. Thus, if you know in your heart of hearts you are not going to marry her, then free her. It is CRUEL to keep a woman’s hope up for years only to ditch her. God will not hold you guiltless, he wrote.
Source: Information Nigeria
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