Lost the Spark in Your Marriage? These Tips Will Help Get Those Sparks Flying Again!

After the brutal pandemic that we experienced, you might be trying to figure out “how to spice up my your marriage”?. You might find this difficult because you’ve been locked together at home, spent too long apart etc. But, we think we can help you put those sparks back in your union.
At the beginning of your relationship, you’d stay up for hours just talking and spending time together. Fast-forward a few years into your marriage (and a couple of days into social distancing), and romance isn’t exactly at the forefront of your mind. And it’s not just that your circumstances have changed, most likely your spouse has too. Your wants, needs and desires are different now. It’s totally normal for your love life to fizzle over time, but just because it happens doesn’t mean you need to accept the status quo. Instead, take advantage of this lull to bring the spark back to your relationship. Here are some tips on how to spice up your marriage;
Make Date nights a regular event
The go-to advice for keeping your relationship healthy is to make date nights a regular thing. Remember those things you used to do while you and your husband were dating? Start doing them again. Most couples stop doing them because they feel they no longer need to, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth.
While some things in life may change after marriage, the way you interact with your partner shouldn’t. But when going to the movies or out to dinner is off the table due to the pandemic, you have to get creative. Think of your favourite past dates and recreate them.
Create a Schedule
Adding “sexy time” to your Google calendar for 9:30 PM might not scream romance, but when you have a billion things on your to-do list every day, it’s kind of a necessity. Doing this will help ensure you make sex with your partner a priority. It will even get you excited about your day.
Bring Sex Toys into the Bedroom
Sometimes the thing you need to spice up your marriage is adding a little spice to the relationship with a healthy dose of playfulness. And what is synonymous with play? Toys! Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things in the bedroom, including adding some accessories into the mix.
Seek Counseling
When the going gets tough, the tough get help! If your relationship has started to feel a little stale lately, there is no stigma or shame in going to therapy. Therapy can provide a safe space to open up communication to discuss wants and desires.
Don’t Wait Until You’re in the Mood
The spontaneous desire for sex decreases over time. So if you’re in a long-term relationship and waiting until you feel an impromptu urge, well, you could be waiting a while. Even if you’re not in the mood, once you get going, you’ll probably start to enjoy yourself.
Try Something New Together
Here’s a fun way of spicing up your relationship: sign up for a class (online if you’re practising social distancing) or activity. Doing something new feels exciting and might even get those competitive juices going, which can be very sexy. It doesn’t matter if it’s an online cooking class, an at-home crafts project or a video tutorial for couples yoga, just try something new together.
With these tips, we hope you never have to Google “how to spice up my marriage” again. Share some tips with us – let’s all learn together.
Photo Credit: Git Stephen Gitau from Pexels | Monstera from Pexels | Askar Abayev from Pexels | Innoh Khumbuza from Pexels | Samson Okeniyi from Pexels | Alex Green from Pexels | Ron Lach from Pexels | Anna Shvets from Pexels | energepic.com from Pexels| Jack Sparrow from Pexels
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