I was compelled to go out this weekend; it was supposed to be a fun outing to unwind, de-stress and get my groove on. I agreed to go reluctantly after my many excuses and complaints of how busy I was and how I didn’t have the luxury to unwind fell on deaf ears. I decided to go when the groveling and ribbing at how uptight I was became too much. In retrospect, I realize it was a huge mistake leaving my house as I spent the entire evening feeling guilty and anxious about the million things I had pending, I kept thinking about the number of articles I could have worked on, or the new episode of Greys Anatomy I could have caught up on with this free time. Needless to say it was a terrible evening of “no fun”.
In case you are wondering why this is weird; I am a young girl who is supposed to be concerned about “turn ups”, TGIF(s) and all the other stuff people my age do for fun, but there I was at a date, on a weekend my body physically present but my mind miles away. I realized I had become so consumed with work that it’s all I think about. My favorite excuse for any invitation is “I’m busy”. I say it a lot to the point where my family and friends have started to complain about my seclusion and lack of involvement in things that matter. It’s so bad even I recognize there’s no line between work and my personal life anymore. I have no down time as even when I’m not writing; my brain is constantly working on overtime (even in the loo). It’s no wonder why I am TATT (read about that HERE)
I’m not the only one guilty of this; most of us are suffering from this syndrome. It has become increasingly difficult to maintain the work-life balance. Ask the next person how her day went and you hear, “I had a busy day” this is now the classic excuse to avoid real life human interaction (that doesn’t have to be on social media). The word has been tossed around so much to the point where it has become a bald face lie.
We are all sucked up in a maze of “busyness” fueled by what I have tagged the “modern day hustle” where everyone is breaking barriers, and shattering glass ceilings. We wear our busy like a badge of honor. It’s almost like if we ain’t busy enough, then we are not putting in enough work or hustling tight.
The sad truth is, most of the time, our busy is just talk. At the end of the day, we have spent the whole time sucked in a vortex of social media stalking, aimlessly roaming the web with little or no productivity to show for our day. We have become the cliché “busy doing nothing”
Check yourself, are you really busy or has that become an excuse to cover up your deficiency in time management and lack of organization? Our modern day conveniences like fast cars, fast food, smart phones and productivity apps, should be freeing up our time, instead it the other way round.
Success and busyness is not a straight line, the busier you get doesn’t guarantee a higher rate of success. There’s nothing wrong with a good work ethic, but not to the point where you are missing out on life and the people around you.
Mastering the clock of business is about choosing when to go fast or slow down. Be intentional about your time, prioritize, focus on what’s important, participate in life, invest in meaningful conversation, build memories, and most of all practice self-care. Recharge when you need to, relax and unwind every now and then.
Socrates once said, “Beware of the bareness of a busy life”. Remember this the next time you want to toss your classic “I’m busy” excuse, and ask yourself if you really are.
Busy is a choice, don’t lose sight of what really matters because of your busyness. Put in the work, but chose to LIVE.
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