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Here’s How Being Single Can Help You Out Financially!

Here’s How Being Single Can Help You Out Financially!

how being single helps

Ladies, and ladies – have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe, being single might help you financially? Let’s forget buying gifts and spending on your significant other, this could really be the news you need to hear.

How being single can help

So, one of our favourite financial advisers, Patricia Bright of The Break is breaking all this down in her latest vlog. She’s breaking down how being single helps financially;

  1. Time is Money: We know you have heard this time and time again, but this is actually true. The time you spend making your relationship grow, spending time with your partner is time you can spend building your finances. The goal is to be a whole person before you get into a relationship, so if you feel like you’re not where you need to be, then work on yourself first.
  2. Living Options: When you are single you are very flexible when it comes to your living situation. You don’t have to think about someone else getting comfortable in your space and can live where you need to when you need to.
  3. Saving on Living Costs: God knows we can all save on this. When you’re living single, you can be more disciplined when it comes to buying things for yourself and the home you occupy. If you had a partner, you would have to consider buying a lot more, perhaps different types of toothpaste, more gas because you’re cooking more etc.

There are loads more advice coming from Patricia on how being single helps financially.

See Also
Inya Lawal

Photo Credit: The Break

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