Fitness challenges are a must-do! Here’s why

How often do you try fitness challenges? After just getting back from the merriest holiday in a year, it’s understandable that you can’t get the push to hit the gym, or you feel you are already working out 5-times a week so what’s the point.
It is important to understand how specific body transformation is different, and recognize the positive things the right kind of fitness challenge can do for you!
Here are 4 reasons why fitness challenges are for you.
1. Insight

Setting goals is easy, but meeting them is the challenging bit. Sometimes it takes a good deal of self-reflection and discovery. During fitness challenges, you will be making physical, nutritional, and lifestyle changes. Replacing less than ideal habits with new healthier ones.
2. Accountability

Many of us are guilty of the usual “In 5 minutes I will get up and workout.” or, “I will get up tomorrow and do 1000 sit-ups.” Then nothing happens. It is an investment that will get you moving. It can also jumpstart a change in your existing fitness routine.
3. Extra Focus

Maybe you are in the gym every other day, (awesome – great work!) But possibly you have set a bigger fitness goal. Like running a 5k, rehabbing an old injury, or a longer than usual bike ride. Fitness Challenges because of specific start and stop dates will give you the extra focus to add new workouts with an eye on training towards those goals.
4. Nutrition

Nutrition is a very individual thing. What works for your best friends might not work for you. Fitness challenges that include a nutritional schedule are a great way to explore nutrition and how your body feels. During such fitness challenges, the goal is to discover the best overall plan for you.
So what do you say? Are you in?
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