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New Year Style Resolutions

New Year Style Resolutions

New Year Style Resolutions

by Favour

I promised myself two years ago that I’d stop making New Year resolutions because they always ended the same way- short lived! Therefore, I decided to do something fun and a little less “serious” instead and that my friends, was the birth of New Style Resolutions!

I love fashion and Style of course and having a New Style Resolution at the beginning of each year gives me the perfect opportunity to plan and manage my wardrobe choices and budgets for the year. It’s also the perfect most guilt free excuse to SHOP!

Here are a few of my style resolutions for this year:

  • Back to Basics –

It is always important to shop basic pieces such a pair of pants, a nice blouse or a blazer. These basics form the building blocks of your wardrobe as it helps you mix and match when putting your outfits together.

  • Fashion Fades but Style is Eternal –

Do not to fall so hard and fast for trends. Always make a habit of purchasing classic pieces and be weary of fast fashion. Be mindful the next time you are about to indulge in some retail therapy by ensuring you buy items that help build and suit your personal style.

See Also

  • Dress for Your Body Type –

Life is too short to wear unflattering clothes. Too tight, too big, too short, too small wouldn’t fly this year! Make sure your clothes accentuate and highlight your best features and play down your flaws.

  • Experiment A Little –

Try new things, after all, it’s a new year. Play around with colors, prints, cuts and shapes. You do not have to go all “HAM” when experimenting if you are not quite the daring type, try it in small doses and watch out for the reactions you get from people not forgetting that ultimately it is your choice and how you feel at the end of the day that matters.

  • Wardrobe Weeding –

With all that shopping, comes many responsibilities. Weeding! Yes, the process of removing unwanted, unused, unflattering and unloved clothes from your closet is most essential. I am never one for accumulating junk, so why not give them out to a friend, charity or simply dispose of them.

Have fun coming up with your own New Style Resolutions; we’ll love to hear yours too. Remember, it doesn’t have to be anything too hard or unachievable. Good best of luck!

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