tw Fiction Series: Women Of The Ayo-Kessington Dynasty (Anjola’s Dynasty)

It’s funny how people believe a thirty-year-old woman is still young. A thirty-year-old woman has not really ‘seen’ anything. She still has a lot to learn. She still has to grow up, develop herself and become her own woman. I have experienced several lifetimes and I am just thirty. I have grown. I have delved into my psyche and been reborn.
These are the words of Anjola Ayo-Kessington, a thirty-year-old woman who lets us into her world of chaos, drama, her journey to finding love and what it means to be married into one of the most powerful families in Lagos Nigeria.
Written by Layemi Olusoga, Anjola’s Diary is the first series in a trilogy. It follows the strong-willed protagonist Anjola Ayo-Kessington nee Adekoya, whose life suddenly takes a series of twists and turns when she finds herself thrust into the world of affluence, after falling in love and getting married to an older wealthy man from a prestigious and powerful family.
Forced to give up her dreams and personal ambitions to fit into the Ayo-Kessington Dynasty image, Anjola soon understands that the grass is not always greener on the other side and things are not always as they seem. Her marriage to an Ayo-Kessington opens her eyes to a whole lot of things that goes on behind closed doors in the seemingly perfect life of the rich and just how far they can be willing to go to protect their name and legacy.
On the surface, Anjola’s diary might seem like the classic girl meets boy, (or in this case, girl meets older wealthy man) boy sweeps her off her feet and they lived happily ever after type of story, but I assure you this is unlike any story you have ever read.
Fasten your seat belts and be prepared to go on a roller coaster journey filled with intrigue, suspense, betrayal, and the power of love, forgiveness and family.
You can get copies of this book at Laterna Books, Terra Kulture and Roving Heights
To connect with the author, follow her on Instagram @layemiolusoga
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