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11 Beautiful Black Women With Natural Hair

11 Beautiful Black Women With Natural Hair

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: This award-winning author has had her natural hair for as long as we can remember. But this year, as she tours the world for her new book, Dear Ijeawele, Or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions, Chimamanda has been showcasing one beautiful style after another in various talks, interviews and magazine covers. Chimamanda is making a strong statement; she is showing the world that it is possible to be black, beautiful, intelligent, and have natural hair – all at the same time.

Asa: When Asa stepped on the Nigerian music scene in 2009 with her smash single, Jailer, we were all introduced to her locs. Her locs were thick, beautiful, and they had a life of their own, as they swung side to side in her music video while she sang her heart out. Over the years, Asa has maintained her signature locs, keeping them at a shoulder length. But she has become more adventurous with her hair styling with elegant updos, a blonde dye job in 2012, and now, this unique ‘tip bantu knot style’ on the cover of the Nigerian Guardian in April 2017. We are sure that Asa’s signature locs are going to be with her for a very long time.

Lupita Nyongo: This talented actress caused a media frenzy in 2013 when she stared in the multiple award winning movie, Twelve Years A Slave. She had that luminous black skin, she had that deep controlled voice, and she had that unique short haircut that everyone couldn’t stop talking about. Now it is 2017, and Lupita still has that haircut, which sets her apart from every other actress in Hollywood.

Folu Storms: After rocking loose natural hair for many years, media personality and wander lust, Folu Storms, decided to loc her hair because she wanted something different. Her locs, which are small to medium in size, have become Folu’s signature style. And she extends her playful personality to her hair- sometimes it is down, sometimes it is up, sometimes it is dyed red, sometimes it is dyed brown, sometimes it is in bantu knots and sometimes it is in curls. But no matter what style Folu rocks, her locs always look beautiful, and we can’t wait to see how long they finally become.

Beverly Naya: If you have natural hair, it is not easy to look at pictures of Beverly Naya’s hair without feeling a little jealous. Her hair is full, is shiny and is the absolute picture of what healthy natural hair should look like.

Sisi Yemmie: This bubbly Lifestyle vlogger has had natural hair for the past six years, and in that time, Sisi Yemmie has rocked her hair in a variety of beautiful styles – one of our favourite moments in Sisi Yemmie’s natural hair journey was when she wore her natural hair on her wedding day. In an interview with Bella Naija, Sisi Yemmie said she has no plans of relaxing her hair anytime soon, so we can look forward to more sleek updos in her weekly vlogs.

Viola Davis: This is one woman who you have to just look at. Whether she is on the red carpet in a designer gown or on in a plain house keeper’s dress on your television screen, you just have to look at her. And when she is with her natural hair, that small afro that frames her face nicely, her image practically arrests you. Though she does not rock her natural hair every time, we are grateful for all the times she does because then, Viola shows that beautiful hair comes in many different textures.

Nse Ekpe Etim: Nse has a face that was made for natural hair. Whenever she rocks her natural hair, whether blown out or in an elegant updo, there is a certain glow that covers her from head to toe. She always looks regal and sophisticated. She always looks like an African Queen.

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Omoni Oboli: Omoni Oboli is passionate about her hair and it shows; her hair always looks perfect, well moisturised, and simply beautiful. It is almost two years since she did the big chop, and in this time, Omoni’s hair has looked gorgeous at every stage, from the babyafro to the teenage afro that it is now.

Nnneka: This soul sister’s hair has a life of its own. She does not fuss around with her hair in most of her music videos, photo shoots, and red carpet appearances. But that is what we like about her hair. Nnneka shows us that there is beauty in simplicity. She shows us that sometimes, it is not about the tight updos and the well laid hairlines. She shows us that sometimes, it is just about letting your hair do what it wants. Nnneka shows us that Natural hair is still beautiful, even when it is wild and free.

11. Adesuwa Onyenokwe: And last, but certainly not the least, we have our very own Editor In Chief, Adesuwa Onyenokwe. Everyone who knows Aunty Adesuwa, as she is fondly called, can certainly say that her natural hair has become her signature style. And she wears her hair in a multiple of  colours – she is one of the few women who can rock blond and purple hair, and still look amazing and classy.

Is there any other beautiful black woman with natural hair who you simply adore? Let us know in the comments section below.

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